Thursday, July 4, 2013

Wedding Getaway Car.

Some couples show up in long limousines, others rent massive Hummers, while still others use fancy luxury automobiles to make their grand entrance and getaway on the day of their wedding. Last summer I saw what I would consider to be one of the loveliest modes of transportation for a bride and groom: a Citroen 2CV Charleston.
The Charleston edition of the 2CV was produced from 1980 to 1990, but was inspired by vehicles from the 1920s and 1930s. The two-tone paint job really highlights the natural curves and creases of the 2CV design, and makes what is already a stand-out car stand-out even more.
Obviously no car can overshadow newlyweds on their big day, though the 2CV Charleston makes for a lovely backdrop for wedding pictures. Imagine a white wedding gown and sharp suit contrasted against the deep burgundy and black paint job. Decked out with a white ribbon and a bouquet of flowers, I think that this old car did a great job serving as the 'Best Machine' for this very special day!

1 comment:

  1. One thing I forgot to mention is that in France it is relatively easy to find old cars like this 2CV Charleston to rent for special occasions like weddings and graduations and parades. If anyone was looking for one I would be happy to help you track one down, just let me know!


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